Photovoltaic (PV) panels, or commonly known as Solar Panels, 目前产生的电力约占世界的3%. 太阳能是一种可再生的绿色能源, so it is important that the end-of-life disposal of the solar panels does not affect its popularity as a green technology. Much of the current global infrastructure has been installed over the past two to three decades. By the year 2030, 其中一些面板将达到寿命终止(EOL)状态, 剩下大约800万吨的材料需要处理. 科学家估计,到2050年,这一数字将增加10倍. At that point, spent PV materials will account for 10 percent of all electronic waste. (伙计们,我不想告诉你们,但没有一项技术是完全无害的. Sustainability is about using technology that causes the least amount of damage. 在这方面,太阳能和风能仍然比化石燃料更清洁.)

The good news is that nearly 太阳能电池板重量的80%由铝和玻璃组成, 两者都很容易回收. 坏消息是,分离玻璃杯很复杂, 剩下的20%的材料很难回收.

By 2024, 2.5% of all homes in the U.S. will have solar installation. 新住宅在最初的建筑计划中安装光伏. 大型太阳能农场正在为电网提供电力. 面板用于提供电源计算机, mobile phones, household devices, cars, 卡车和电源设备管理. Installations vary in size from a couple of panels on residential home to a complete commercial solar farm, covering acres of ground. ERIhga皇冠注册是围绕安全恢复设计的, 光伏设备运输及加工, or Solar Panels.

Over the next three decades, the world will accumulate roughly $15 billion worth of recoverable materials from EOL solar panels—enough to make 2 billion new modules that total more than 600 GW of generating capacity.


  • 光伏组件(单晶或多晶、瓦式等.)
  • Inverters or microinverters
  • Racking equipment or trackers


  1. 拆卸框架和接线盒(机械过程)
  2. Separate the glass from the silicon wafer (a thermal, mechanical or chemical process)
  3. Separate and purify the silicon and various metals (a chemical and electrical process)







太阳能电池板重量的80%由铝和玻璃组成, 两者都很容易回收.

Over the next three decades, the world will accumulate roughly $15 billion worth of recoverable materials from EOL solar panels. reports that around 173,000 terawatts of solar power constantly reach the earth.